Senstroke bluetooth electric drumkit

Senstroke bluetooth electric drumkit (cool gadgets)

Just imagine you’re at home (probably alone) blasting out some epic rock and air drumming
like a gorilla in a chocolate advert. Wouldn’t it be more fun if your flailing limbs could actually be put to some use and lay down some heavy beats?
If you don’t have space for a full drumkit, the Senstroke virtual drumkit is a set of Bluetooth sensors that clip onto a pair of drumsticks and strap to your feet, which through the app or compatible recording software, lets you tap out a beat wherever you can find somewhere to tap it out on. This could be the kitchen table, some pillows, pots and pans, or something more sensible like a practice pad.
Once you have calibrated the sensors in the app, through some sort of rhythmic voodoo (read: gyroscope and magnetometer) it works out where you are in relation to the virtual kit and plays the appropriate cymbal or snare. It’ll also work out how you hit it depending on the angle, so there is plenty of dynamics you can throw around while playing, and although it takes a bit of getting used to, once you have the hang of it you’ll be able to lay down a decent beat.
OK, it’s not really the same as having a proper kit in front of you. There is a small but noticeable lag but otherwise, the Senstroke is a handy way to practise playing the drums if you’re just starting out (or locked in the house for 10 weeks) and is a neat way to release your inner Phil Collins with just a pair of drumsticks.
Needless to say, you’ll need headphones, preferably wired, to get the best out of it, otherwise you’ll just hear the sound of you thwacking pillows.

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