Speed and Reliability are Key When Choosing an Ecommerce Web Hosting Solution

Speed and Reliability are Key When Choosing an Ecommerce Web Hosting Solution

With so many ecommerce web hosting solutions out there to choose from, it can be tempting to go with the first one you see. And while you could get lucky and have no issues with your choice years down the road, it’s not a bet most of us should be willing to take.
It’s best to research this issue ahead of opening your online store – and these are the reasons why.

Site Speed

Site speed not only plays a major role in creating a positive user experience, it also impacts where the search engines decide to rank your website. Yes, it’s only one factor among hundreds that Google uses to decide where your site should appear in the search results page for any particular query, but it’s important nonetheless.
It’s annoying, but it makes sense. Search engines have their own end users to think about. In trying to provide the best possible user experience for them, they want to be sure they are sending them to websites that not only provide the information they are looking for but to websites that don’t have frustratingly long lag times.
The business implications of slow page loading can’t be overstated. Some 47 percent of web users expect a website to load within two seconds or less. Forty percent of users will abandon a website that takes three seconds or longer to load, so the faster your website loads, the better. Even a one-second delay in site speed can cause a 7 percent reduction in conversion rate. If your ecommerce site earns you $100,000 a day, that one-second delay could be costing you $2.5 million a year in revenue.
How fast your website loads depends on a number of factors, such as your web host, the types of files you have on your site and the size of the code on your site. While you’re in control of your file types and code size (and you can take steps to optimize them) when it comes to hosting, due diligence is the only recourse you have.

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